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29 Jan 2021

OryxAlign’s 2021 New Year’s Resolutions

Change is an essential part of business and personal growth, but improvement is an ongoing effort. With that in mind, our leadership team has been reflecting on the past year, and how they can convert their experiences into resolutions that will drive positive change across processes, standards and personal development! Read on to find out what they’ll be getting up to this year.


Carl Henriksen – CEO

Professional resolutions

1. Making sure people are front and centre; listening, speaking and interacting with as many of my colleagues as possible, on a daily basis. I hugely miss the interactions we had in our office so a big focus for me in 2021 is to make up for that, and then some. People are our future, they are the cornerstone of our success and we need to reconnect. Teamwork makes the dream work.

2. Continuing to push innovation and automation. We are working on plans that will see greater investment given to automation initiatives across the business in 2021. There is incredible technology on the market, and it’s there to be used.

3. Maintaining and improving on the trust we have built with our clients. This is absolutely key for continued long term partnerships.

Personal resolution

Keeping fit and staying healthy. Too much living in isolation has made fitness a bit of an afterthought. I miss being on the squash court and will be back as soon as it’s safe to do so.


Alistair Fawcett – COO

Professional resolutions

1. This one is both professional and personal – focus on the opportunities in every situation rather than letting negative risks and impacts dominate thinking.

2. Take OryxAlign’s (and the world’s) new way of working to new heights, building on the fantastic work ethic and culture that existed pre-Covid and expanding on our remote working collaboration and productivity (to lay the foundations for a true hybrid model when conditions prevail).

3. Continue to bring energy and focus to further optimising our operating model to reinforce ‘service excellence’.

Personal resolutions

1. Maintain a better work/life balance in terms of the impacts of continued home/remote working – a better and more disciplined regime and time management to support time with the family, healthy lifestyle, including diet and training, and to get on with a massive list of home refurbishment chores!

2. One other – disconnect from and put down my devices earlier in the evening and (properly) read more! A book club has recently been started at OryxAlign and I’m looking forward to getting stuck in.


Michelle Cowan – Head of Solutions

Professional resolutions

The past year has shown how resilient the IT industry is, with technology at the forefront of what we do. The relationships that we have with both our Customers and our Partners is pivotal to our success.

In 2021, the solutions team will continue to strengthen and enhance the relationships we have with our core vendors, leveraging the technologies they have to offer and pursuing a collaborative partner strategy.

Personal resolution

From a personal perspective, one of my new year’s resolutions is to embrace change. Due to Covid-19, my fiancé and I were unable to get married in August 2020, with the virus not leaving us much choice but to move our wedding date. Embracing the change was a lot easier than stressing about what should have been and I would like to apply this mindset to both my personal and professional life in 2021.


Erika Wilkins – Head of Professional Services

Professional resolution

The past year has reminded us all of the importance of having a team that works well together in any situation – collaboration and communication are essential, but so is building a positive culture. This year I will put a new, reinvigorated focus on the health and wellbeing of the professional services team and use the wonderful tech we have to socialise together.

Personal resolution

The tech sector has boomed during the past year, but so many other industries, businesses and people have been hit hard and are struggling. I’ve started the New Year with those people in my mind – so much is happening in the world and we can’t let go of our humanity and our caring sides. I’m in a position to help, so I’ll be ramping up my fundraising efforts for charities, in particular those that support the homeless (such as Turning Tides).


Jon Blagg – Head of Managed Services

Professional resolution

The big ticket item for me this year is to enhance our excellent managed services offering. We will grow and remodel the team to move from a transaction driven responder to a proactive custodian of services and bring multiple streams and geographies together as one team, focused on service excellence.

Personal resolution

We haven’t been able to spend much time with our colleagues or celebrate our successes together. But when it’s safe to do so, I want to appreciate the times we can be together in the office (and pub) a lot more!


Jessica Seaborne – CFO

Professional resolution

1. New Year Resolutions for myself & the finance team in 2021, is to fully embrace the new technologies we’re implementing & ensure we’re automating every process we’re able to.

2. To continue to work well as a team as well as support and develop the internal efficiencies for the company as a whole.

Personal resolution

Considering the year we’ve just had, my personal goal is to not sweat the small stuff and to hopefully enjoy more time with friends & family!



If you’ve set any technology resolutions of your own and you’re in need of assistance, get in touch with us today! Our team will be more than happy for a chat and walk you through various solutions and services to meet your expectations.

By OryxAlign