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OryxAlignAug 24, 20213 min read

Get the most out of SharePoint with new features

Microsoft SharePoint provides businesses with efficient tools to allow them to share & manage content, knowledge and applications. It empowers teamwork with dynamic and productive sites for all departments and divisions. Microsoft are consistently working on bringing out new features and updates to better the experience for users, and these are the latest features designed to create dynamic employee experiences.


Inform and engage with dynamic employee experiences

 It was previously announced that SharePoint Auto News Digest would include features to customise emails according to your business. Microsoft have now announced new elements to make the experience more dynamic.

Boost SharePoint news

The SharePoint News Service offers businesses an intelligent view of news, specifically targeted to your business based on your role or location. It can be personalised and takes into account signals from Microsoft Graph about where, how and who you work with.

There may even come a point where you need to make a special or important announcement which requires an extra boost to get people’s attention. AI algorithms can be altered to push human prioritisation.

Important news and announcements can be prioritised across Microsoft 365 to be placed at the top of employee new feeds. A news article can be given a visibility for a certain time, until an employee has viewed the article or until they have seen the post in their feed multiple times.

Collapsible sections

Users can now collapse or expand page sections when needed, resulting in more space in either the page or the news article. Each section can also be given a header, as well as set the default for each section to be expanded or collapsed for easier navigation.


Teamwork updates across SharePoint teams sites, OneDrive and Teams

Edit a page/news post in Teams after you’ve added it as a tab in Teams channel

 Modern SharePoint pages and news posts can be now be edited right within Teams when added as a tab in Teams. Encouraging users to make use of SharePoint pages and news posts within Teams enables your team to work with one another much more efficiently. Whether that’s to plan an event or to collaboratively work on a project deadline.

Page authors will also be able to add/edit content, images and other SharePoint web parts. Users will also find it easier to stay in Teams as employees viewing the page or posts can navigate using SharePoint links within Teams.

Custom list templates in Microsoft Lists

With the new Microsoft List templates, users will now find it easier to get started on keeping track and managing information.

Custom list templates will be managed using Microsoft PowerShell, specifically using the Add-SPOSiteScript cmdlet. When users make new selects, custom templates can be selected from the ‘From your organisation# tab. This new feature can be seen next to the “From Microsoft” ta which includes the out of box readymade templates created by Microsoft.

Custom list templating is a highly requested feature and allows your business to create repeatable list solutions in SharePoint, Teams and the Lists app. When users create a new site from the SharePoint start page, templates can be managed by choosing which templates will be available to certain individuals based on their job role.

Suggested attachments in Microsoft Planner

When adding an attachment to a task, Microsoft Planner will show users a list of recommendations that are related. This is based on the title and description of the plan or task, combined with the members assigned to the task and files that have been shared, Users now won’t have to scavenge through folders, servers or cloud storage in order to find the correct one.

Post on behalf of your colleague in Yammer

Microsoft’s enterprise social networking application Yammer will now allow users to post on behalf of others after approval is granted. Internal communications will share news/updates and reply to comments on behalf of leaders and their teams. The great thing is that this feature is open to users and admins both.


Watching Stream videos on Office Mobile for Android

The new stream player which is embedded in Office Mobile for android will allow users to find, access and watch your organisations videos at any time. An easy way for your workforce to catch up on any training videos or meetings!

Ready to learn more about Microsoft SharePoint? For more information, get in touch with our cloud experts today.